BSU Sanierungsunion

We make


Division for remediation and restoration.

Asbestos remediation. Remediation of floors contaminated by asbestos.
Remediation of mold and contaminants.



Our Services

Our state-of-the-art and innovative enterprise for remediation offers a wide range of system solu-tions for trade and industry with an emphasis on housing industry. We take efficient processes in digital form for granted. This enables us to meet the requirements for our customers with match-less speed, exact documentation and at a very high quality.



Asbestos removal

One can assume that in Berlin at least 80,000 flats were built with materials containing asbestos.
In most cases we have to deal with the so-called vinyl-asbestos panels (also known as flex-panels), which were used from the 50s to the 70s. These panels contain up to 20% asbestos and they were fixed with asbestos-bearing adhesives.


Remediation of asbestos-contaminated floors

With our specially developed BSU grinding process, the asbestos-containing adhesive can be re-moved from contaminated floors in a very short time. Using state-of-the-art extraction and grind-ing technology, we are able to meet the high safety requirements. Our qualified and motivated personnel have the necessary expertise and technical knowledge. Our clients appreciate our many years of proven processes in the handling of remediation orders and see us as a reliable and trustworthy partner. When dealing with hazardous pollutants in buildings, we support our clients and customers with comprehensive expertise, a high quality standard and innovative solutions.


Removal of contaminants

The asbestos problem is not the only important issue in Berlin’s housing industry. BSU Division for remediation and restoration is also a reliable contact for the housing industry when it comes to the safe removal of other harmful substances. Regardless of whether it is a matter of products containing tar, artificial mineral fibers, screeds containing harmful substances, tile adhesives or wall plaster, the BSU Division for remediation and restoration is also at your side with safe and innovative solutions for these issues. Comprehensive consultation, inspection of the flat or even a sample analysis through our partner laboratories provide us with certainty in advance about the necessary scope of the remediation. Here we also draw on efficient and time-proven processes in carrying out the work.


Mold remediation

Water damage or damage to the building shell that has been detected too late is often the reason for the emergence of mold. Mold growth is a hygienic problem and can lead to health problems such as irritation of the mucous membranes, coughing or allergic reactions.
The main goal of the remediation is to permanently eliminate contamination of the indoor air by mold spores.

The BSU Division for remediation and restoration opts for highly qualified specialists and modern technology for the professional remediation of mold damage.

Die BSU Sanierungsunion setzt auch hier auf hochqualifiziertes Fachpersonal und moderne Technik bei der fachgerechten Sanierung von Schimmelpilzschäden.

Asbestos removal

Tried and Tested procedure

Floor Remediation

Pollutant clean-up

KMF remediation

PAH remediation

Mold remediation

DGUV Approved

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